Friday, September 26, 2014

Im back... time to get FOCUSED!!!

Been away for a little while but i'm back now!! I'm sure you may be wondering why, so let me tell you. First, I have just been busy with the many things going on in my everyday life (work, choir, relationship ect.) but also I have been spiritually going through. See when God is working on you and maturing you sometimes it can be very hard. To be honest not all of your days are going to be peachy. There are going to be days that are smooth and some days you may feel frustrated. In my case God has been showing me things about myself that he is illuminating and developing and also things that are not so grand that he wants to remove. Let me be the first to say it is not easy having to not acknowledge some of your issues and deal with them, But in order to make a change we must first change ourselves. There have been days that I have had to fight being depressed and I have cried many tears but even in my tears I know that everything thing that im going through or being caused to deal with is for my benefit and it is only going to make me stronger in my ministry and my position in advancing the kingdom of God. Even knowing that, some days are just harder then others. That's why our relationship with Christ is so important because in those times that you are weak the bible says "God is Strong" and we need that strength to keep us going. But we must make sure to continually keep developing that relationship with God if not it can be very easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted. Not to mention when you take your eyes off of God and put them on everything else you lose your focus you start looking at the right now instead of the future. Take me for example, the past couple weeks I had been going here and there and my mind too. I was dealing with choir, trying to advance my makeup business and also the stress of finances. To top it all off my boyfriends mother passed which added a little more stress for everyone. During this time I just felt as though I had been running around and around. I mean im trying to be here emotionally for him, get everyday day task finished, be at this practice or make it to this meeting. Though I had continued reading my word daily it started to be rushed and even when I would read I would be thinking about the next thing that had to be done and not really meditating on the word. I started to feel drained, even when I would sleep I didn't wake up feeling completely rejuvenated. Until last week, after being down out how my finances are I  heard the Holy Spirit tell me I needed a spiritual refueling and also to FOCUS. You see slowly but surely I was getting distracted. I started to let other things come before my relationship with God. As a result I was drained mentally and emotionally not to mention I had started to look at my situation instead of with the eyes of my faith. When you do that I believe it allows the enemy to have a brief advantage over you because that's when he will come with the doubt, fear and depression. To make a long story short after repenting to my Father, this week I just had to take a break and get back on track, which is what I did. I stated to give God his proper time deserved, meditating on my word, praying and I even fasted. Let me say that after doing that have been able to get back focused and hear clearly from the spirit. I was able to re evaluate some things and get new ideas for my business ventures and revisit previous interest that I had got off track with(like this blog. Lol). Just like the loving Father he is, he welcomed me with open arms and reminded me that all when have to do when we may go off track is to turn our hearts back to him. What a loving and awesome God he is that all he wants from us is a RELATIONSHIP. So I say to you, whatever has come to try and distract you IT WILL NOT PROSPER! Get up, dust yourself off, make sure you are in the right position with God and keep walking. Trials and tribulations will come and growing pains do hurt but it will be all the more worth it in the end! Stay blessed!!!