Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Can you see it?

Today as I was walking down the sidewalk in the shopping center I work in, I saw a vacant store front space for rent. I was on my way to another store but as I passed this space, I was prompted to stop walking. The Holy spirit began to remind me of one of my dreams that I have had for a little while now. I looked inside the window at the open vacant space. It was a huge space and looks like two separate spaces but inside there is an opening in the wall so you can enter into each space. I stood there looking inside seeing my dream before my eyes. It was like God had me purposely stop and look at this vacant building. I believe God was telling me to keep dreaming, that he hasn't forgot and if I can see it he can and WILL do it! This reminds me of the story of Abram in Genesis 15:5  Then the Lord took Abram outside and said to him, "Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That's how many descendants you will have!"  See it wasn't that the Lord was actually looking for Abram to be able to count the stars in the sky to see how many children he would have. Absolutely not! He is God,he knows everything that will possibly happen in your life, when it will happen and what the outcome will be, so we know that was not the reason. It was about the fact could God trust Abram to not look at his right now situation and BELIEVE what he has said to him.We know this to be the case because in verse 6 it states "And Abram believed the Lord and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith."  Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of the things unseen. As Christians we know that we do not go by what is seen with the physical or natural eye but by what we are able to envision in the spirit because we operate in faith. Your faith is developed by the hearing the word of God, which serves as a trigger to allow you to SEE what cannot be seen in the natural realm. In other words being able to see what God sees. In Abrams case it was being able to envision having his own children when everything around him pointed to that not being a possibility.  Using our faith shows God we believe and trust him and not our outside circumstances.  It also gives God and open arena to show up and show out on our behalf. So I ask you today, what is it that you see? I know that you may not have any money right now to open that business, I know your age says its too late for you to go back to school and your family says since your first marriage didn't work out your going to end up alone. But I say NO WAY to all of that! What has God said? Its time to start seeing exactly what God has said to and about you. Take off those natural eyes and start looking with your spiritual spectacles. Its time to start believing again. God gave you that dream, that idea, and that business plan for a reason and a purpose. If it were not possible he would not have gave it to you. I know the odds seem stacked against you and it seems to far over your head to accomplish(which it is to much in your own strength) but I ask you this, "Is there anything to hard for God???" ....Be blessed!