Friday, December 30, 2016

Im just about OVER IT!!

So is it me or does anyone else really HATE waiting?? Like seriously! And if i can be honest for just a moment, whats even worse is when you are waiting on the Lord! Now dont get me wrong i love me some Jesus ,but when it comes to making something happen that your expecting ...sometimes his time table and ours are two completely different things! Oh! and please dont get me started on this thing called a "process." Thats another word i could happily go the rest of my life without ever hearing again! It seems like everywhere you go and everything thing you do involves some type of process,be it long or short. Even chewing a piece of gum is a process. 1)Open wrapper, 2)take out gum, 3)insert gum in mouth. Process, process PROCESS! Yet and still i think im finally coming to grips with the fact that things like "waiting", "process", and "patience" are all an non- negotiable parts of this Christian walk. But what do you do when the wait and the process in between seems to become unbearable?  To add more fuel to the fire.. how do you handle it when God has given you a glimpse of what could be or what you have prayed for but yet is telling you to Wait? I pose these questions because like many others i find myself currently in that exact space. The space of "wait, just trust me!" Seems so simple when said or read in a book, but let me tell you my friends it is one of the hardest areas for me. Its like im so close to what God has promised that i can taste it but at the same time it feels like its many moons away. I have said things like "But God you know i have prayed and fasted for this!", "you know i have desired and searched for this!", "God you even allowed me to experience and get a glimpse of this so why are you asking for it back?" "Why are you telling me to wait and take my hands off of it when you know i trust you!" But the question for myself and for some of you is, do you really trust him? See trust is one of those caution-nerve -striking words. We dont like to talk about trust because trust requires us to give up control. Oh yes! I said it! See, trusting cannot just be something that is said but it must be displayed. When you really trust God you give him the reigns to operate when and HOW he wants to in your life. Trusting requires you to say to yourself "No! Even though i know how i can speed this process up im not going to do it!" Trusting says "No matter how long Lord im going to stand right here and wait!".  To make it plan Proverbs 3:5 tells us clearly: "Trust in the Lord God with all your heart and lean not to your own understand in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path." Gods thoughts are different from our own faulty thinking. He sees the big picture with things as we only see a small window. Thats why he tells us not to lean to our own understanding. He knows all the potholes and curves that our natural eyes cant see and wants to guide us around all of that in order to make our journey as smooth as possible. Being that he is the creator Jeremiah 25:11 says it best: "For I KNOW the plans i have for you. Plans to prosper you and never to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Its only God who knows what steps we should take to make this the best life possible. Needless to say in order for those plans to happen, it often requires us to undergo a process of some sort. Now like i stated before im not a fan of the process. Matter a fact if there was anyway around it i would be the first one to op out of it! One thing that the Holy spirit countines to remind me of even now as im going through my own process of waiting is that: at the end it will all be worth it! What do i mean? I mean nothing God does is ever just because, there is always a rhyme and reason so it will be better for us when we get to our destination. If he has you going through any type of process understand its for your good. I believe more than anything God does not want us to focus on the process or current situation he wants us to focus on him.(Luke 12:31) When we take our eyes off of our current situation and put them on Jesus it allows us to form a deeper relationship with him, which inturns enables us to trust him,  which then gives us an inner peace about what we are hoping for. It also allows him to speak to us and puts us in a better posture to recieve and hear from him. Often times when that happens God is able to use that time to develope and mature us more while we wait. Maybe God needs more time to purge you? Maybe he needs more time to organize something in the atmosphere in order to get something to you? Or maybe he simply wants you and him to deepen your relationship, he wants to give you a chance to know him better. I assure you that whatever the reason even though it sometimes feels like it, the process is not to punish you. Its often times to prepare you for what is to come! Like i said before and the Bible repeats countless times that Gods timing is perfect. Galatians 6:9 says it like this: "Be not weary in well doing for at the PROPER time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!" So i say to you hold strong to your time of waiting and your ordained process. The scripture proves that there WILL come a time that it will be over, its just up to you to stay focused and to not throw in the towel. So to answer the question i posed at the beginning..When the wait and process seems to get unbearable we must focus our attention and trust toward Jesus and off of the waiting. Let him do what he needs to do in order to bring about the great plans he has promised us. Yes, it stinks and Yes, it sometimes sucks but i  have complete faith in God that we both will make it through this together. I have confidence that at the end of it, God is going to blow our minds! Stay blessed yall!