Taking a look at my first picture you will notice an orange. Yeah an orange, I know it may not look like one but trust me, it is. I had a whole bag of them sitting in my house just like that. The outsides were bruised, scared, discolored and just ..ugly looking! Not like those pretty oranges on the commercial for the Florida Orange Juice..No! These oranges I had looked like they had seen better days and just needed to be thrown away at this point. Looking at the oranges I was lead to cut them open just to see what was inside and how it looked. So that's what I did, and wouldn't you know these were the juiciest oranges that had so much life and fruit inside! If you take a look at this example of my oranges you will see that this is often how many of us go about life. We often are quick to judge someone's outside; what they drive, they way they talk or there appearance, before ever knowing them. But see Christ teaches us that we should learn to accept everyone in there differences, flaws and all because he created us that way. That is how we display and walk in the love of Christ! In Genesis he let's us know that EVERYTHING he created is good! Not to mention he also tells us we were ALL created in his own image! And i don't know about you, but my God is BEAUTIFUL! So that means everything and everybody must be beautiful too! So next time before you are quick to write someone off or throw them away (myself included) just because they don't fit the box in your head, except them in LOVE just as Christ continues to except you with all your failures,drama and your MESS! After all you never know what beautiful fruit they may hold inside!
P.s. Let me mention my oranges made some of the BEST fresh squeezed orange juice I ever tasted! : ) Be blessed!