Sunday, April 19, 2015


So i seen this and had to repost...funny thing is i use to be just like this! I thought that if i was aggressive, point blank, mean, combative, hard, and locked my heart away in a bag> inside a glass jar> that was pad locked> inside a vault>behide a moat>with walls around> ANDDDD set up gaurds, that i would not get heartbroken, but guess what...IT STILL HAPPENED!! Yup and a couple times to be honest! Truth is im im about as hard as a marshmallow in my heart *NOTE: please understand this does not mean try me cause i will switch from Ciera to Angelica (the person you dont wanna know) real quick if need be!* I said that to say sometimes our past experiences will turn us into a person contrary to who we truly are. I have learned the best and sure fire way to not get heartbroken is to TAKE YOUR TIME with people a be FULLY lead by the HOLY SPIRIT paying attention to all the signs and gut feelings he is giving you, inside of trying to justify and use "benefit of the doubt" tool! God never steers us in the wrong direction and only wants the best for us so his leading is always the sure choice. Even then you may have to experience some type of pain but its only to grow you and for you to learn a lesson from it! We mess up when we allow that breif pain to harden our heart (not remebering everything works for our good,and that God allowed it! Romans 8:28) and develop into baggage  then we carry it into the next chapter, never dealing or learning the lesson but allowing it to change our true character. If your using meaness as a protector odds are your hurting yourself because you miss out on possibly  meeting new people a developing good relationships that could lead to new opportunities in your life. Not only that, your not showing the love of Christ and could be destroying your witness. You may be the only Christ someone will ever see or encounter, so lets make the father proud! Out with that old junk and in with the Spirit. Let him guide your steps and desicions, then you with avoid all the pitfalls of life! You deserve to love and be loved! 😙