Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Find your quiet place!

I love this spot right here! Yes this spot, by the window on my couch. This is where God meets me every morning. I knell before his throne everyday at this very spot. He speaks to me and I feel his presence in this spot. Its OUR spot! Thinking about our spot also makes me think about the unworthy people (men) that I have had before in this very spot. How I traded his love for theres and how I cheated on him in his spot. But GLORY to God that his love was not and is not like there's and can never be replaced. I thank God that he forgives and shows you that you are worth more then the broken promises, the lies, the ungodly behavior, the compromising of yourself and standards that have taken place with them (men) in this spot. He embraced me with loving arms and we got OUR spot back! Thankful💜
#faith #iloveJesus #ourspot #content #hisloveisoneofakind
Inspired by @heatherllove . she helped me appreciate OUR spot even more!