Friday, December 5, 2014

The Struggle hunay...

So for the last few months money has been quit tight in my house. About two days ago when I looked into my freezer needless to say it was looking like "the Struggle!" I thought about the years I had been in my apartment and how my freezer use to always stay stacked and piled with food. This had not been the case for about a month. I thought about how I needed to go grocery shopping especially for some meat (chicken,chops ect.) but I just did not have the money. To be honest I didn't know when I would be able to, seeing as though some bills are behind and I'm trying to catch up while not knowing how some others are going to get paid. Yet and still in my heart and head I knew God would continue to make a way. So today is pay day and I had some money left after paying some bills *praise break....Thank you Jesus for something left!!!!*.. (ok im back) so I decided to get a loaf of bread and a couple canned goods that were on sale at my local Farm Fresh. I go into the store and were disappointed that the canned goods I came for are no longer on sale. I continue to walk around the store and go over to the meat department (which I wasn't going to at first figuring that I already knew meat was going to be too expensive) As I come to the meat department I notice that some packs of chicken thighs have $4off coupons on them so I take a closer look. After looking at the packs I notice that the prices are about $7-8 per pack. I quickly do the math in my head and realize that makes them only about $3-$4 for the jumbo family packs. I quickly grab the three that had the coupons on them and place them in my cart! Not to mention as I walked around the store I found two $1off coupons for sandwich wraps that I can use next week when coupons double and that would make those two items FREE! My God is awesome!!! If you haven't figured it out yet, the moral of this story is that GOD WILL PROVIDE!! In Matthew 6 God tells us not to worry about what we will eat nor drink. Matthew 6:26 God uses the example of him providing even to the birds. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable then they? See God values us dearly and as a father he will always make sure we are taken care of long as we do our part. You may ask, what exactly is our part? Let me tell you from experience the most important thing you can do is to PAY YOUR TITHES and OFFERINGS!! Yes that right PAY YOUR TITHES and OFFERINGS! Tithe being the most important because it shows our reverence to God! Now, don't get me wrong the other important things to go along with that would be to also be obedient and do not worry but believe God will provide. But God tells us in Malachi 3:10-11 exactly why we should tithe, it reads: Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, "says the Lord Almighty," and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. God is basically saying to us show me how important I am and how much you respect me by giving me the first portion of what you have and I will bless everything else that you have left. I mean yes guys, its just that simple! Then when you add giving an offering (which is you sowing a seed) to that ,it further gives more assurance that God will provide a way for you. Just look what God tells us will happen when we sow seeds generously with a cheerful heart 2 Corinth 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in ALL things at ALL times, having ALL that you need, you will abound in every good work.  Notice God never says sometimes or in something's but he tells us in ALL things big or little, bills or food, clothes or cars. Either way we will be taking care of when we do our part. I hope that someone out there who is reading this that may have never tithed, will start today. Its the best decision you could make take it from someone who has constantly not known how I was going to make it through at a times( and im not just taking about money but with the stresses of life) and God still opened a door and made a way. I know for a fact that my faith and tithe was the only reason I made it through. And to that I say THANK YOU GOD!! It may not have been much to some people but when I was blessed with thosecgroceries in the store it just further showed me that God hears me loves me and loves me and will always have my back in everything. He has yours too! The struggle may be real out her but so is my GOD!! Be blessed yall!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Baby steps... Baby steps!!

Today celebrate the progress that you have or are making even if nobody else does. Your not going to just change things over night it takes steps and effort its called a process! As long as you know your doing the steps and trying don't let the negativity from anyone else matter, God sees you trying! Keep pressing and say a prayer for those who don't take notice its not there fault, we as humans are great out pointing out the flaws of others but suck at excepting our own! Keep going beautiful!! #morningLuvs

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Why hate though???

Morning everyone! Quick story: So I walk into work looking fly as usual and feeling quit good (not tooting my own horn but just confident). I'm mean I'm telling the truth I've had a pretty good morning. I had a great prayer/time with the father, face done, outfit on and got to work on time(getting my act together) back to the story so I walk in a say "Good morning!", As I usually do. And these jokas are looking right at me and don't say anything back. I mean nothing all I heard was crickets! I just smiled and kept walking to put my things away. Moral of the story remember that you are a THERMOSTAT not a THERMOMETER, you change the atmosphere don't not allow the atmosphere to change you! God said we have to be a light in this world, so i must be doing my job! The favor of God is all over me and you and people see it!  Unfortunately some people don't like you because of it. Matthew 10:22 says You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. Jesus then goes further in John 15:18-19 and says “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. [19]If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. So what I say to them is just keep on HATIN! They can not stop what God is doing in your life or who he created you to be. Walk in the light you have been given with courage, confidence and strength because you have the Lord God on your side!! Be blessed