Listen to this song just took me back some years ago, to I think 2007-ish. Before I had really got saved. It was coming off a time during/after a breakup, were I was literally left feeling worthless. My self confidence was non existent so much that i did not like looking in the mirror and when i had to i would look past my own eyes I was severely depressed, very sad and confused. Matter a fact I thought that I was going crazy, my mind was everywhere. I did not stay at my apartment for like two months a couple weeks at my folks and the rest of the time at a friends because I was so not in my right mind and scared of what I might do. I was totally without a doubt broken! Anyhoo I started to go to church with my friend, started to get my mind back and went back to my house. This is when I first began listening to gospel. I still would have a really hard time sleeping. When I layed down I would be very afraid ,anxiety and would have lots of crazy dreams(like Satan killing me, you know stuff like that) I would lay in my bed and just cry, cry, cry all night. I was not that mature in the word, didn't know about a tongue or spiritual realm or what the offices was in church. But what I did know is that in the Bible it says the name of Jesus is the most powerful name, and demons tremble and flee at the name of it. I remembered this song cuz I heard it in the car. So every time I would have crazy thoughts or when I would lay in my bed I would began to sing this sometimes out loud sometimes just in my mind. And a calm would come over me and I would fall asleep. Wow. God is good and has brought me a loooong way. You never know what people going through, a smile can hide a lot of things. I will forever love this song though...
Learning to appreciate all parts of life from the smallest detail to the largest achievement. Not being held down by your status, situation or circumstances. Overcoming voices of negativity while gaining self identity and building self confidence. Leading a healthy stress and worry free life as you grow and progress in your spiritual walk with Christ. Breathing in every moment to get the maximum fulfillment and happiness out of this life that has been given to us. Living,Laughing,Learning,Loving
Friday, March 13, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Face Facts
The more you run from or try to justify the mistakes you made, they more you hold yourself back. When you can face your mistakes, incorrect thinking& bad decisions to see where you went wrong or what you can do to insure they wont happen again, that is a sign that you are growing. But if you keep reasoning, making excuses or acting like they dont exist you will never reach your dreams and goals or get to the level God desires you to be at. Sometimes you just gotta get down right REAL with yourself, thats when you get your healing and deliverance and gain wisdom! Truth hurts sometimes but there is PURPOSE in pain! Be blessed!
#yallainthearingmethough #itsucksbutitsworthit #Growth #healthy #healing #deliverance #Jesus
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Queen 2 Queen Sisterhood
Hey Ladies! Im am pleased to introduce and invite you all to be apart of a new group I created just for us strong women! Queen 2 Queen Sisterhood is an womens empowerment group centered in Christ, helping to encourage and strengthen women to break free of self bondage. That we may come to know and operate in who we are in Christ. In order to confidently achieve the destiny plan for our lives! I invite you out on March 28th @6pm for a chance to socialize,eat and mingle as you find out more info on joining this group. If interested please RSVP via text or email to Ciera (757)292-7135 so that i may get an accurate head count. Feel free invite a guest. I look foward to seeing all of you then!💜Luv Ya!