Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Financial healing time!

Starting a new book yall. Time to get this money right! Can I be transparent for a moment... I HATE FINANCES!! No, like seriously it has always been a weak area for me. One that i would try to avoid all together. It was just easier to act like my debt didnt exist. Oh yeah did i tell you i cant(well should i say couldnt) "save" worth beans!! Now i am quite thrifty and you all know i am a bargain hunter/couponer/frugal but there Is no organization with that at times if im being honest, becuz sometimes i do buy things i dont necessarily need just cuz there a good deal. I will spend $5 here $10there  but that still adds up.Smh. I need like a plan a budget or something. But after i pay bills there aint nothing left to budget! Lol. Real talk i need some---> disipline. Ewww.. even saying the word "disipline","budget" & " savings" makes me sick. Like literally right now my head is hurting and i feel very nervous, unsure and a little anxiety trying to rise up. This is just CRAZY!  Its like im scared to be financially healed cuz i been sick in this area for so long. Just ridiculous!! But God is calling me to higher levels in him and i want to be WHOLE all around so that  includes my finances. Lord! Lord! Help your daughter! Buckle up yall here we go!!..Help Jesus😢😕😤😨😢😣😰
#Jesus #thefacesareexactlyhowifeel #finances #budgeting #Holistic #renewedmind

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