Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Today remember the reason for this season. His name is Jesus! Be blessed!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Supernatural Favor...

Today I got up feeling just off ,like a heaviness on me. I had so many different thoughts and emotions runnining through my mind. I was feeling misunderstood, pressure, self doubt, scared, annoyed and just plain had a lot going on! Yet and still you have to handle the days duties and task so off to work I went. While at work I began to pay some bills since we were slow in the store. I made a call to pay my car note ( which has been behind 2 payments for the past couple of months not including what I was just paying) Basically I would pay one bill but still have one payment due and another about to be due. Yet another stress I have been dealing with but God has continued to display his grace in this situation. I  do take total responsibility for it being past due, just some other things had come up that needed immediate attention. But what can you say a learning experience because we all make mistakes. Anyway I call to make the payment and I do, the lady on the phone then goes to ask me, "Have you every asked for a skip payment or extension?" I say "No what is that?" She goes on very sweetly to explain a skip payment is where they will skip one months payment. An extension is where they will skip two payments and then break up the two payments for the duration of your loan. Well because I have 41 months still left on my loan that would only increase each payment about $15, which I mentioned and she said probably a little less (which is always a plus!) We then continue to talk and I explain to her that in trying to get caught back up these last few months, she has been the only one kind enough to give me these other options to help out. She was so shocked to have learned this news then she continued on to tell me instructions on what to do. We talked for a few more minutes and she gave me her name and work number in case of any other questions. I then thanked her and ended the call. Let me just tell you how good my God is!!!! After the call I needed a moment and just had to go into the bathroom at work and just thank/praise God!!I am just so overjoyed and thankful at the amount of FAVOR I have been shown within this last two weeks.(to much right now to go into, but trust me ..what a way maker HE is!) God has opened up doors and has truly been breathing his super on my natural! Words can not described how I feel right now. Its times and moments such as these that God just lets me know that no matter how I feel or what I may be experiencing that he has my back no matter what! Don't get it twisted I don't just praise him for what he does but for who he is and that fact that he desires to do it for me, even though I am so not worthy!!! So let me encourage you, you may be going through rough patches and stresses but give them to the Lord. You may not see how it can work out and you may feel a little helpless at times but God has a way to handle EVERY situation! The bible tells us that his thoughts are not our thoughts and he ways not our ways (Isaiah 55: 8). Just trust him and know he has you.You may be waiting and wondering when will it change but stay patient because God has to position the right people just for you! He will open up doors and opportunities if you let him. It may come through a person, a tv show, a book, monetary gift, a dog I mean AYTHING! Lol. Just let HIM work it out, but first you must give it over to him and be open to which ever way he decides to handle it. Stop trying to box God in, he is too BIG for that. Stay blessed!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday motivation!!

Its easy to sometimes allow your past failures or negative thoughts to get you down if you don't replace them with positive encouraging ones. Today remind yourself that YOU HAVE ENOUGH, YOU DO ENOUGH AND YOU ARE ENOUGH!! If God says you are enough for him your enough for anyone else!! And your bigger than past mistakes or any failures you may have had. You have been washed by the blood that means you are BRAND NEW!!  Have a great day luvs!!
#asiministertoyouiminstertomyself #encouragment #positivity #life #LOVE

Friday, December 5, 2014

The Struggle hunay...

So for the last few months money has been quit tight in my house. About two days ago when I looked into my freezer needless to say it was looking like "the Struggle!" I thought about the years I had been in my apartment and how my freezer use to always stay stacked and piled with food. This had not been the case for about a month. I thought about how I needed to go grocery shopping especially for some meat (chicken,chops ect.) but I just did not have the money. To be honest I didn't know when I would be able to, seeing as though some bills are behind and I'm trying to catch up while not knowing how some others are going to get paid. Yet and still in my heart and head I knew God would continue to make a way. So today is pay day and I had some money left after paying some bills *praise break....Thank you Jesus for something left!!!!*.. (ok im back) so I decided to get a loaf of bread and a couple canned goods that were on sale at my local Farm Fresh. I go into the store and were disappointed that the canned goods I came for are no longer on sale. I continue to walk around the store and go over to the meat department (which I wasn't going to at first figuring that I already knew meat was going to be too expensive) As I come to the meat department I notice that some packs of chicken thighs have $4off coupons on them so I take a closer look. After looking at the packs I notice that the prices are about $7-8 per pack. I quickly do the math in my head and realize that makes them only about $3-$4 for the jumbo family packs. I quickly grab the three that had the coupons on them and place them in my cart! Not to mention as I walked around the store I found two $1off coupons for sandwich wraps that I can use next week when coupons double and that would make those two items FREE! My God is awesome!!! If you haven't figured it out yet, the moral of this story is that GOD WILL PROVIDE!! In Matthew 6 God tells us not to worry about what we will eat nor drink. Matthew 6:26 God uses the example of him providing even to the birds. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable then they? See God values us dearly and as a father he will always make sure we are taken care of long as we do our part. You may ask, what exactly is our part? Let me tell you from experience the most important thing you can do is to PAY YOUR TITHES and OFFERINGS!! Yes that right PAY YOUR TITHES and OFFERINGS! Tithe being the most important because it shows our reverence to God! Now, don't get me wrong the other important things to go along with that would be to also be obedient and do not worry but believe God will provide. But God tells us in Malachi 3:10-11 exactly why we should tithe, it reads: Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, "says the Lord Almighty," and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. God is basically saying to us show me how important I am and how much you respect me by giving me the first portion of what you have and I will bless everything else that you have left. I mean yes guys, its just that simple! Then when you add giving an offering (which is you sowing a seed) to that ,it further gives more assurance that God will provide a way for you. Just look what God tells us will happen when we sow seeds generously with a cheerful heart 2 Corinth 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in ALL things at ALL times, having ALL that you need, you will abound in every good work.  Notice God never says sometimes or in something's but he tells us in ALL things big or little, bills or food, clothes or cars. Either way we will be taking care of when we do our part. I hope that someone out there who is reading this that may have never tithed, will start today. Its the best decision you could make take it from someone who has constantly not known how I was going to make it through at a times( and im not just taking about money but with the stresses of life) and God still opened a door and made a way. I know for a fact that my faith and tithe was the only reason I made it through. And to that I say THANK YOU GOD!! It may not have been much to some people but when I was blessed with thosecgroceries in the store it just further showed me that God hears me loves me and loves me and will always have my back in everything. He has yours too! The struggle may be real out her but so is my GOD!! Be blessed yall!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Baby steps... Baby steps!!

Today celebrate the progress that you have or are making even if nobody else does. Your not going to just change things over night it takes steps and effort its called a process! As long as you know your doing the steps and trying don't let the negativity from anyone else matter, God sees you trying! Keep pressing and say a prayer for those who don't take notice its not there fault, we as humans are great out pointing out the flaws of others but suck at excepting our own! Keep going beautiful!! #morningLuvs

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Why hate though???

Morning everyone! Quick story: So I walk into work looking fly as usual and feeling quit good (not tooting my own horn but just confident). I'm mean I'm telling the truth I've had a pretty good morning. I had a great prayer/time with the father, face done, outfit on and got to work on time(getting my act together) back to the story so I walk in a say "Good morning!", As I usually do. And these jokas are looking right at me and don't say anything back. I mean nothing all I heard was crickets! I just smiled and kept walking to put my things away. Moral of the story remember that you are a THERMOSTAT not a THERMOMETER, you change the atmosphere don't not allow the atmosphere to change you! God said we have to be a light in this world, so i must be doing my job! The favor of God is all over me and you and people see it!  Unfortunately some people don't like you because of it. Matthew 10:22 says You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. Jesus then goes further in John 15:18-19 and says “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. [19]If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. So what I say to them is just keep on HATIN! They can not stop what God is doing in your life or who he created you to be. Walk in the light you have been given with courage, confidence and strength because you have the Lord God on your side!! Be blessed

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I am, just me


A beautifully complex well versed poem.
 Tells  tales of pain that persevered.
Not to be confused with any other but all alone an individual masterpiece.
 Possessing creativity flowing from me like past tears.
Hidden treasures inside, if you are willing to take the journey to unlock me.
Find the key.
A couple of walls, few blocks and some barricades,
I didn't say it would be easy. 
Many times feeling misunderstood,
Just wanting to do good and enter into that bliss.
Isolated caterpillar,

Confined catalyst,

Emerging butterfly,

Spreading my wings to fly,
becoming that which I was seeking...LOVE.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Parents... You only have one set!

Ephesians 6 :2-4

Many of us may be frustrated with where we are in life. Having a feeling like more is out there, but you just cant seem to attain it. Even more frustrating is that fact that you don't know why. Let me just ask, could it be how your have choosen to treat or respect your parents?
  In Ep 6:2-4 It clearly states "Honor your father and mother-which is the first commandment with a promise. So that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."
Okay but wait... if your like me, you asked the question: so that WHAT may go well with me?? Well in Deut 5:16 it answers the question for us. It says  "that it may go well with you in the land your God IS GIVING YOU."
  See you must understand that everything in your life has happen for a purpose and has served as an agent in shaping and grooming you. God wants you to enter into all the things he has promised to you but he cant until you get certain relationships in your life in order. One importantly, is the relationship with your parents. Note: the verse in Ephesians does NOT say only honor them if there right or only if there not a deadbeat or only if they have been in your life they entire time. No, it says just to honor them, PERIOD. In everything and through everything. It even goes on to tell you how important this particular commandment is by saying its the first to be attached with a promise. And as I have been taught in accordance to listing and order in the bible, when something is listed first, it is in correlation to importance. So this must be a rather important commandment to be the FIRST to have a promise attached!
  Many of us have been holding on to grudges, unforgiveness , and anger towards our parents. Maybe because of feelings of abandonment, ridicule, abuse or mistakes they may have made in our upbringing. I say to you if your parents are alive or dead its time to let those things go. Your only hindering yourselves. Its time to be freed from the negative feelings your holding toward your parents. This particular subject is something that I am all to familiar with. For years I had held onto ill feelings toward my biological mother. Whom I was not raised by, and from the time of a child at 8years old have not had a relationship with. There was much unforgiveness inside of me towards her. I didn't understand how a mother would not try to build a relationship with her child and just let years pass with nothing! Not a happy birthday, no I love you or in the least reach out to contact me. This burden I carried and suppressed for 18years, which had an effect on me emotionally when it came to feeling of acceptance. For years there was always a feeling of neglect, rejection and just the mindset and thought that I would never going to be good enough for anyone. And I carried that same lie and thought into other relationships and situations in my life ,which birthed into other avenues of depression and low self esteem. It was like a cancer and was a hindrance in my personal growth spiritually, emotionally and mentally. Im now 27 years old and im proud to say that this year because of God I have been able to be freed from the heavy unforgiveness, grudges and lies I was holding on to for so long. Now I am on a road to restoration between my mother and I, and you can do the same!!!
  You may ask, how do I do that? Where do I even start? From personal experience you must first want to deal with the issues and not suppress them. Denial is not just a river in Egypt! Lol. Then you go to the Father and take all that baggage(your thoughts, feelings etc) with you and simply RELEASE them to him. Ask him to forgive you for holding on to those ill feelings, ask him to fill any void in you from those things. Then you must finally forgive them that hurt or offended you. But lastly, you MUST forgive yourself for believing the lies and feelings you held on to. Once you do that you will free yourself and open yourself up to instruction by the Holy Spirit on how to move forward from that point.
  See you must remember that everything in your life works together for your good. (Romans8:28). Even the things that have hurt us or that we may not understand they are still working for our good! God desires for you to be free and walk into your promised land of opportunities and dreams beyond what you can imagine, but because he is not a man that he should lie, he requires you get some things in order first. The amazing part is you can start blessed!


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

You are enough!!!

Check the link below:

My God!! YES I AM ENOUGH!!! So many of us women are out here with smiles on our faces but inside we are emotionally hurting, self esteem is low and we are lacking confidence. We can believe for everyone else, pray for everyone else and help everyone else around us but now its time we start doing the same for ourselves! You were created with a purpose. You are a light that shines and is the answer to something in this world. God does not make mistakes and you were created in his image and he said everything he made is good! Its time to dream again, believe again and take the courageous steps of faith because baby if you only knew what lies in store for YOU!!! Get back to being the YOU that you were created to be, YOU ARE ENOUGH.....

Friday, September 26, 2014

Im back... time to get FOCUSED!!!

Been away for a little while but i'm back now!! I'm sure you may be wondering why, so let me tell you. First, I have just been busy with the many things going on in my everyday life (work, choir, relationship ect.) but also I have been spiritually going through. See when God is working on you and maturing you sometimes it can be very hard. To be honest not all of your days are going to be peachy. There are going to be days that are smooth and some days you may feel frustrated. In my case God has been showing me things about myself that he is illuminating and developing and also things that are not so grand that he wants to remove. Let me be the first to say it is not easy having to not acknowledge some of your issues and deal with them, But in order to make a change we must first change ourselves. There have been days that I have had to fight being depressed and I have cried many tears but even in my tears I know that everything thing that im going through or being caused to deal with is for my benefit and it is only going to make me stronger in my ministry and my position in advancing the kingdom of God. Even knowing that, some days are just harder then others. That's why our relationship with Christ is so important because in those times that you are weak the bible says "God is Strong" and we need that strength to keep us going. But we must make sure to continually keep developing that relationship with God if not it can be very easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted. Not to mention when you take your eyes off of God and put them on everything else you lose your focus you start looking at the right now instead of the future. Take me for example, the past couple weeks I had been going here and there and my mind too. I was dealing with choir, trying to advance my makeup business and also the stress of finances. To top it all off my boyfriends mother passed which added a little more stress for everyone. During this time I just felt as though I had been running around and around. I mean im trying to be here emotionally for him, get everyday day task finished, be at this practice or make it to this meeting. Though I had continued reading my word daily it started to be rushed and even when I would read I would be thinking about the next thing that had to be done and not really meditating on the word. I started to feel drained, even when I would sleep I didn't wake up feeling completely rejuvenated. Until last week, after being down out how my finances are I  heard the Holy Spirit tell me I needed a spiritual refueling and also to FOCUS. You see slowly but surely I was getting distracted. I started to let other things come before my relationship with God. As a result I was drained mentally and emotionally not to mention I had started to look at my situation instead of with the eyes of my faith. When you do that I believe it allows the enemy to have a brief advantage over you because that's when he will come with the doubt, fear and depression. To make a long story short after repenting to my Father, this week I just had to take a break and get back on track, which is what I did. I stated to give God his proper time deserved, meditating on my word, praying and I even fasted. Let me say that after doing that have been able to get back focused and hear clearly from the spirit. I was able to re evaluate some things and get new ideas for my business ventures and revisit previous interest that I had got off track with(like this blog. Lol). Just like the loving Father he is, he welcomed me with open arms and reminded me that all when have to do when we may go off track is to turn our hearts back to him. What a loving and awesome God he is that all he wants from us is a RELATIONSHIP. So I say to you, whatever has come to try and distract you IT WILL NOT PROSPER! Get up, dust yourself off, make sure you are in the right position with God and keep walking. Trials and tribulations will come and growing pains do hurt but it will be all the more worth it in the end! Stay blessed!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

You have a PURPOSE!!

"People may have overlooked you, but God has not forgotten about you!"

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Just hold on

Be patient. God is just preparing you. The best things come to those who wait...

Step by Step

So yesterday I woke up very energized and ready to take my morning walk. As i was walking I noticed that I do so much better when I look at my feet taking each step. When I look up and focus on the distance I have left to finish mentally it always seems so far away, like it is going to take forever to get there. Then I had a revelation: That if we just take everything one step at a time and focus on that step we will eventually arrive at our destination, it will also stop us from the discouraging feeling of viewing a destination that seems unattainable. Its very easy to get discouraged by focusing on the destination but if you don't take the proper steps you will never be able to achieve it!  Just keep moving...Be blessed yall

Thursday, June 12, 2014

If you where that transparent, you would be clear!

I have learned in life that no matter how " real" a person is or how much you think they open up to you there is still always something they haven't told you. Sometimes its just a matter of that person trusting you enough with what they share , sometimes its that person being comfortable with themselves to share and sometimes certain things are just simply between them and God. Aren't you glad God can keep a secret??

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ron Carpenter sermon " Living Inside Out"

Ron Carpenter. If you don't know bout him check him out!! This is a great sermon that blessed me today! Its called " Living inside out pt.2"

Monday, June 9, 2014

Shout if you love him!

As some choir members and I were traveling on the bus yesterday from ministering in Petersburg Va. We were having a great time laughing, imitating each other and just overall joking around. Somehow we got on the topic of shouting( which is slang terminology for a dance or two- step done to the lord when under the power of the Holy Spirit). After the imitations of how some members on the bus looked while shouting, we shared more laughs but begin to discuss shouting more in depth. Being that God has yet to release the ability to myself to speak in tongues or shout, im always curious to know what a person feels and thinks while it is happening. So I posed that particular question. Some answers I received were that "you don't hear or feel anything around you." and that "its like your alone with God!" Excited while on this subject as always, I then tell everyone how my experience is when the holy spirit comes over me. How I am filled with emotion wanting to just glorify God and how I being to cry and just release to him. I also expressed how I would love if God gave me a shout to do, like some of the others. Sometime before the conversation ended one of the experienced shouters made the comment "Cece you are a worshipper and we are praisers!" She continued on to encourage me to keep asking for the gift and God would give it to me. After more brief conversation we arrived back at the church. We went our separate ways and on the ride home I reflected on that comment. In the shower later that night the comment about me being a "worshipper" was still on my mind. I was feeling slightly annoyed by the fact that I am a worshipper when I want to learn to shout! Standing in the shower I began to wonder how I would look doing all that fancy footwork and how cool it would be. God then says to me "Praise can be taught, WORSHIP cant!" Wow God! Immediately that annoying feeling I had was gone. I was filled with a proud happy feeling! He then goes on to explain " Someone can teach you how to dance but not how to open yourself up and lay everything before me!" --->Can we all take a moment to say MY LAWDDDDD!!!<--- I said God you are so right. Here I was for a moment looking down on what I thought was just being a "worshipper". But its not JUST A WORSHIPPER at all! Its being able to fully open yourself up to God. Being truthful with flaws and all ,allowing him to love on you while you love on him. So everyone I say be happy with how God has made you and when he will advance you. All of our gifts serve such a great purpose and are able to glorify God in the way HE designed. I mean I cant shout but I sure do love him! Be blessed yall!

Friday, June 6, 2014

"Give props where props are due!"

Todays scripture: Acts 12:19-24

 I read over this passage of scripture today during my devotion. Immediately when I had read it, I was like "Dang God, you don't play! " Lol. As harsh as God killing off Herod right at that instant he did not give God the praise, may have seemed. I understand God's position completely. We have all been in a situation in our life where someone else has taken all the credit for themselves for something we had worked hard on. Heck! That is the daily story for most of us at our jobs. Just think about when that has happened and how it made you feel. Annoyed? Angry? Taken aback? Hurt? If you have felt these things in a minor case like your job, then think about how it must make God feel. After all, he has only died for us, constantly protects us, guides us daily, has given us different gifts, placed us in positions we don't qualify for and so much more then can  even be named. Then we have the audacity to not recognize who it was who did it! Now you tell me you wouldn't be upset?? When we fail to give God the glory and adoration he deserves, it is a complete insult to him! God does things in our lives so yes, we can have an abundant life but most importantly for it to be a testimony to others of his love, goodness and mercy. In hopes that they may come to know and accept him. When we take it upon ourselves to act as though it was in our own might, that cancels the purpose and plan God had for doing what he did. I believe there are many examples in the bible that teaches us to always give glory and respect to God and to take the opportunity to correct others when they make the mistake of praising us instead of God. Acts 10:25-26 demonstrates this perfectly. In this passage of scripture  Peter enters the house of the centurion soldier, Cornelius. Cornelius then bows in reverence to Peter. Peter then CORRECTS Cornelius in saying " Stand up, I am only a man myself." as if to tell Cornelius "man chill out, I didn't not come here on my own, only because of God!" I believe the disciples understood how disrespectful and unpleasing it was to make yourself equal to God and not to reference him for all he does. This is an example we should  all follow in our own lives. Remembering to give God the glory and respect, humbling ourselves before him. Making it clear who is at work in our lives . So if you haven't done so today give God thanks for what he is doing, let him know that you appreciate and understand that nothing is done by you alone, but only because he is working in you. I would hate for your fait to be that of Herod's if you don't! Be blessed yall..

Thursday, June 5, 2014

What If?

What if I actually believed in myself?
What if I wasn't afraid to ask for help?
What if I trusted fully in God?
What if I wasn't scared to fall hard?
What If I let my faith grow?
What if I let fear go?
What If I let go of negativity?
Seeing the person he called me to be.
What if I could just forgive?
Maybe then I could breath and live.
What if I didn't feel ashamed?
Hurt and lonely, like I am to blame.
What if I thought  that I was worthy?
 And stopped caring what others thought of me.
But these questions still remain,
What if ? .. What if ? .. What if?
Since I don't know the answers I will just say,
I DO, I CAN and I WILL!!

I wrote this poem almost 1 year ago on 07/09/2013 at 12:13a.m. when I could not sleep and many things where on my mind and heart. These are thoughts that many of us battle with on a daily basis. In my own life these are things that are being brought back around that I am just now beginning to overcome. Its nothing wrong with asking God questions or giving him our problems or concerns. The thing about it is ,that we must trust him enough to reveal the answers to us and work on the areas that we need help in. I pray this poem shows someone that you are not the only one that has felt this way. Hopefully it inspires someone to keep pressing on, your greater is coming! No matter how your feel, what you have done or how you see yourself ,you are perfect in Gods sight. Stop looking through your eyes and put on HIS!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Pork steak, red beans and rice w/rolls! Yummy..

Morning prayer

There is just something about when you fall on your knees and cry out to God. What an awesome release..#awesomeGod

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hard work pays

Your hustle and work ethic will make for a good testimony one day!

Do You!

Trying to incorporate exercise into my life I decided to start back my morning routine ,which consist of walking. I woke up around 5:45a.m. and walked from my house to an empty shopping center across the street, then proceeded to walk its perimeter and then back home. This normally takes about 20 minutes to complete. Today I was hoping to complete this a couple minutes ahead of time (not keeping in mind that I have not exercised in a couple months). To my surprise I actually finished it 1 minute behind the usual time of 20 minutes. As I looked at the extra minute it seemed like such a HUGE increase, I began to get a little bummed. Not only did I not reduce my walking time, I INCREASED it by one whole minute. My expectation for reducing my time was so high that when it did not happen, the thoughts of negativity began. I started to think about others I know that are on this health kick. Getting back into the gym, lifting weights, doing cardio and going really going hard at it too! Here you have me, all im doing is this raggedy 20 minute walk in the morning. To top it off " You didn't even finish in 20mins it took you 21mins!" said the negativity. But at that same moment a voice(holy spirit) reminded me " You don't have to be like everyone else!" I instantly overcame those negative thoughts remembering YES! I don't have to be like everyone else, I AM ME! I replaced those thoughts with positive ones like "Good job for even walking today!" and "that minute is going to be a breeze to undo!" See, we all have to start somewhere. The main thing is to focus on doing the best you can and progress at your own rate. Don't let the negativity creep in and cause you to get disappointed in yourself. Just because it may seem like others are in a more advanced position then you are, one thing is for sure; they had to start somewhere too! If we would just stop trying to compare ourselves to others, we would see the growth, development and progress in our own lives. But as long as your focusing on others you will always feel a sense of disappointment or lacking to measure up. DO YOU! You are wonderfully and beautifully made! We have all been created differently with different purposes for a reason. Individuality is a blessing and the world is looking for a "YOU",  so don't make it hard for them to find it! Be blessed yall..

Friday, May 30, 2014


Welcome everyone to this awesome blog page! I hope your ready and as excited as I am!!