Friday, June 6, 2014

"Give props where props are due!"

Todays scripture: Acts 12:19-24

 I read over this passage of scripture today during my devotion. Immediately when I had read it, I was like "Dang God, you don't play! " Lol. As harsh as God killing off Herod right at that instant he did not give God the praise, may have seemed. I understand God's position completely. We have all been in a situation in our life where someone else has taken all the credit for themselves for something we had worked hard on. Heck! That is the daily story for most of us at our jobs. Just think about when that has happened and how it made you feel. Annoyed? Angry? Taken aback? Hurt? If you have felt these things in a minor case like your job, then think about how it must make God feel. After all, he has only died for us, constantly protects us, guides us daily, has given us different gifts, placed us in positions we don't qualify for and so much more then can  even be named. Then we have the audacity to not recognize who it was who did it! Now you tell me you wouldn't be upset?? When we fail to give God the glory and adoration he deserves, it is a complete insult to him! God does things in our lives so yes, we can have an abundant life but most importantly for it to be a testimony to others of his love, goodness and mercy. In hopes that they may come to know and accept him. When we take it upon ourselves to act as though it was in our own might, that cancels the purpose and plan God had for doing what he did. I believe there are many examples in the bible that teaches us to always give glory and respect to God and to take the opportunity to correct others when they make the mistake of praising us instead of God. Acts 10:25-26 demonstrates this perfectly. In this passage of scripture  Peter enters the house of the centurion soldier, Cornelius. Cornelius then bows in reverence to Peter. Peter then CORRECTS Cornelius in saying " Stand up, I am only a man myself." as if to tell Cornelius "man chill out, I didn't not come here on my own, only because of God!" I believe the disciples understood how disrespectful and unpleasing it was to make yourself equal to God and not to reference him for all he does. This is an example we should  all follow in our own lives. Remembering to give God the glory and respect, humbling ourselves before him. Making it clear who is at work in our lives . So if you haven't done so today give God thanks for what he is doing, let him know that you appreciate and understand that nothing is done by you alone, but only because he is working in you. I would hate for your fait to be that of Herod's if you don't! Be blessed yall..

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