Monday, June 2, 2014

Do You!

Trying to incorporate exercise into my life I decided to start back my morning routine ,which consist of walking. I woke up around 5:45a.m. and walked from my house to an empty shopping center across the street, then proceeded to walk its perimeter and then back home. This normally takes about 20 minutes to complete. Today I was hoping to complete this a couple minutes ahead of time (not keeping in mind that I have not exercised in a couple months). To my surprise I actually finished it 1 minute behind the usual time of 20 minutes. As I looked at the extra minute it seemed like such a HUGE increase, I began to get a little bummed. Not only did I not reduce my walking time, I INCREASED it by one whole minute. My expectation for reducing my time was so high that when it did not happen, the thoughts of negativity began. I started to think about others I know that are on this health kick. Getting back into the gym, lifting weights, doing cardio and going really going hard at it too! Here you have me, all im doing is this raggedy 20 minute walk in the morning. To top it off " You didn't even finish in 20mins it took you 21mins!" said the negativity. But at that same moment a voice(holy spirit) reminded me " You don't have to be like everyone else!" I instantly overcame those negative thoughts remembering YES! I don't have to be like everyone else, I AM ME! I replaced those thoughts with positive ones like "Good job for even walking today!" and "that minute is going to be a breeze to undo!" See, we all have to start somewhere. The main thing is to focus on doing the best you can and progress at your own rate. Don't let the negativity creep in and cause you to get disappointed in yourself. Just because it may seem like others are in a more advanced position then you are, one thing is for sure; they had to start somewhere too! If we would just stop trying to compare ourselves to others, we would see the growth, development and progress in our own lives. But as long as your focusing on others you will always feel a sense of disappointment or lacking to measure up. DO YOU! You are wonderfully and beautifully made! We have all been created differently with different purposes for a reason. Individuality is a blessing and the world is looking for a "YOU",  so don't make it hard for them to find it! Be blessed yall..

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